
St Giles Church
Horsted Keynes

More than a thousand years of sharing God's love in the Community

Welcome to St Giles Church Horsted Keynes

St Giles is a Church of England village church at the heart of this rural community. Our historic church has stood as a beacon in the village for over a thousand years ministering to all of the parish with God's love guiding the way.

St Giles Church encompasses all generations, with a strong youth involvement through our Primary school, a committed focus on families and a caring and responsive approach to our more senior members. All of this bonded together by prayer and united worship.

Please take the time to browse our website to find out what we have been doing in the name of God and to see what is yet to come and we look forward to seeing you at our forthcoming worship and activities.

St Giles now has an active Facebook page

Our Vision

To become better followers of Christ by loving God and loving others

Following our Lord’s teaching of the greatest commandments:

“You shall love the Lord your God with all your heart, and with all your soul, and with all your mind”.

“You shall love your neighbour as yourself.” (Matthew 22. 37.39)

Rector's ramblings

Here is the Order of Service for the Parish Eucharist for the Twenty First Sunday after Trinity, Sunday 20th October.  You can also access the Sermon .

Sunday November 10th is Remembrance Sunday and this year the format of the services will be different from previous years:

                  10am Remembrance Sunday Eucharist in Church, an all-age service
                  11am Silence and Ceremonies at the War Memorial

The Family Harvest Festival Service took place on Sunday 6th October, with the collection of non-perishable items for Family Support Work (FSW).  David Lamb has provided the two photographs below:

We are very grateful to Kay MacNaughton who has allowed us to display the beautiful photograph below of St Giles against the Northern Lights:

St Giles News

The charity collection during September and October is for Crawley Open House:  St Giles has been supporting this charity for some  years and you can find out all about their work from their website.  Donations can be made using orange envelopes in the collection plate, the electronic system at the back of the church or posted in the post box at the Martindale.  There is a stock of orange charity envelopes in the Martindale porch.

The Prayers for the Annex continue on Monday mornings at 11.30am in St Giles Church.

During these difficult, stressful times do remember that HK Help and HK Prayerline exist to help parishioners in a practical or spiritual way. You can find more details here.


Annual Parochial Church Meeting (APCM) and Electoral Registration

The 2024 APCM took place on Thursday 25th April.  You cans still view the relevant reports below

Annual Report and Financial Statements 2023

Annual Group Reports for the APCM 2023

Electoral Registration Enrolment/Amendment Form


Safeguarding at St Giles

St Giles takes safeguarding very seriously and you can click here to view our Safeguarding Policies or here to look at the the Diocese's Safeguarding pages.

Duffy Parry is the Parish Safeguarding Officer and you can access his contact details here

Parish & Parishioner Magazine

Click here for the latest, October 2024, edition of Parish & Parishioner Magazine. 

The Welcome Pack for new residents to the village is now available here.

Donations to St Giles

                     Gifts of money to the Parish are invited here

This takes you to a secure site. It is designed for one-off donations with options to make a Gift Aid declaration and have a receipt sent by email. If you are thinking of committing to regular donations please visit the Giving page.

To become better followers of Christ by loving God and loving others

Copyright © 2017 St Giles Church, Horsted Keynes. All Rights Reserved
Website by: Web & Stuff